Visual Music in Textile Art: Jane Barry

7March - 30 April

Notes from Jane Barry:

“My thoughts on making visual images from favourite pieces of music have been developing over probably seven years or so. In concentrated months over 2020, my challenge formed into a collection of pieces of work, including a variety of textile techniques. Aspects of music chosen may inspire colours or shapes, or features connected with composers or musical forms.

“Embroidery is the basis of most pieces, using both free machine and timeless hand stitching. While recycling of fabrics is my source of the majority of materials, natural dyeing and layers of collage give me a sense of adventure.”

Plan your visit to Well House Gallery to browse the latest work from Jane Barry

PLEASE NOTE: The gallery is closed until 12th April but the exhibition can be viewed through the gallery window


Alex Orgill & Siwan Gillick


Stephen Wakefield: Pastel Drawings