Vincent Ellis
Oil Paintings
Out of the Sun - £300
Mustang - SOLD
Spitfire Dawn , oil on canvas, 80x60cm,£220 SOLD
Puffins - SOLD
Puffins, acrylic, £320
Kingfisher , 80 x 60 cm - £230 , unframed
Jumping ,81 x 101 cm - £330 unframed
Out of the Sun - £300
Mustang - SOLD
Spitfire Dawn , oil on canvas, 80x60cm,£220 SOLD
Puffins - SOLD
Puffins, acrylic, £320
Kingfisher , 80 x 60 cm - £230 , unframed
Jumping ,81 x 101 cm - £330 unframed